The New Generation of Real Estate Staging – Target Staging and Lifestyle Merchandising

Staging = Staging …. Are you sure?

Staging is a relatively young industry and as other industries are evolving, also the home staging industry is changing. The blanket approach of mass marketing lies in the past of the marketing world. Home staging should not be an exception. New staging techniques go beyond de-cluttering, de-personalizing and making a space look pretty to appeal to the widest range of buyers. Today, staging has moved on to the next level – a smarter, more informed level, where research is being incorporated to understand the target buyers. If you have found the perfect new home at, you’ll want your home sold quickly. Home Staging might just be the key to making that happen. Industries are non-stop evolving, which means marketing is evolving at an alarming rate too, which is why it’s important in these times to perhaps outsource your marketing to a solution service like lead gen provided by Salesforce.

Home buyers nowadays are more sophisticated than ever before. Traditional staging often creates neutralized staging installations that do not draw buyers in as effectively. We all buy with emotions and buying a home is no different.

Our job as professional home stagers is to emotionally connect home buyers to a house. People don’t buy a house, they buy a HOME. If you’ve bought a new house, from an area like The Meadows lets say, we could help you to create this house into your perfect home. Along with selling a space we are selling a lifestyle!

In order to connect most effectively with buyers the staging professional needs to conduct research to understand and target the most likely buyers. Birgit Anich Staging & Interiors specializes in and is a pioneer in Connecticut to implement these most advanced and most successful staging techniques of Target Staging and Lifestyle Merchandising. Based on a discussion with the real estate agent, the home seller and conducing our own research, we are setting up a Buyer’s Profile, which includes information not just about demographics, but also about psychographics of the most likely buyers.

Once the buyer’s profile is completed, we create a stunning staging installation that appeals to these buyers. Every piece of furniture, rug, artwork, lighting and décor item is carefully selected as each item sends both a conscious and an unconscious message giving us the opportunity to emotionally connect with the buyers. With every staging design we are telling a story with a specific person in mind, giving the buyers a lifestyle experience, a dream they aspire to. Our intent is to get home buyers excited when visiting and we want them to go “WOW this house is stunning!! This is how I always dreamed to live. I want this house.” instead of “This is nice”.

Do you remember the last time when you saw this most beautiful jacket that you just fell in love with, but was beyond your budget? Yet you bought it because you loved it – you were willing to reach deeper into your pockets, just because you were emotionally connected with it. Yes, home buyers are also willing to pay more for a house they aspire to and fall in love with. Barbara Corcoran recently mentioned at the Nate Berkus show that great staged properties sell for a 5% to 10% higher price.

The new generation of effective home staging is strategic Target Marketing with Lifestyle Merchandising!

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