In order to answer this I have to tell you a little bit more about myself. I was very fortunate to grow up in a home and family that was very loving and nurturing, which is nowadays not a given thing for kids to have. I know that having a home that makes you feel relaxed, cozy, snugly, comfortable, protected, loved, and at peace is invaluable in life. Having moved into different homes throughout Europe and then several homes here in the US, I have experienced that the design of a home gives us different energy and feelings. My passion as a Home Stager and Interior Redesigner is to create such a loving and nurturing environment through design so that home buyers and home owners fall in love with it and can peacefully live their lives in.
When staging a home for sale, we create a lifestyle experience targeted to the specific buyer group, so they feel home right away and want to move right in.
When redesigning a home to live in I am listening carefully to what home owners want and need to feel that this is their space to feel warm, welcome and loved in.
Thus, we are “Turning Places into Loving Spaces!TM”